Important academic dates
  Inauguration Ceremony for Deanship of Admission and Registration Sponsored by His Excellency Rector Prof. Dr. Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Al-Hassan on Monday, 20/01/1437 H.
  Issuance of Graduation Certificates Procedures and Schedule   ·        The student must attend himself/herself to receive the...
    1.     The student must have a transcript with a GPA for at least two semesters from his/her university, to which he/she has been admitted. ...
Transfer from one university to another university   1.     The student should be enrolled at a recognized college or university. 2.    ...
Receiving Admission Documents Extended   
Important Dates Re-enrollment From 01/04/1437 To 06/04/1437 Deferment From 01/04/1437 To 11/04/1437 ...
Contact channel during Eid Vacation Any contact regarding E-admission will be via
مراحل القبول الإلكتروني للعام الجامعي 1436 / 1437 هـ  لخريجي وخريجات الثانوية    المرحلة الأولى : جمع البيانات ( من الأحد : 13/ 8/ 1436هـ -إلى السبت :...
    نظراً لإلغاء الاختبار التحصيلي الثاني في نجران فإن الجامعة ستخفض شروط القبول بخمس نسب لأبنائنا طلاب نجران في التخصصات التي تتطلب التحصيلي .  
Deanship of Admission and Registration announces that internal and external scholarships' application can be received through the e-portal    ...
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